Monday, April 28, 2008

Heather '08

Finally some Senior Pics!! This is my adorable cousin Heather...She's actually graduating this year!! I can't believe how fast time flies...I think she's laughing in half of these cause I would bring up old embarrassing memories of things I guess she thought I would never remember - or she's laughing cause I try to be funny....key word TRY...haha Actually we had alot of fun...I had gotten a new camera the day before we shot these - so I was definitely having fun! and I probably took too many - but how could I not? look how cute she is :)
she was quite a trooper in dealing with my ridiculousness ;)

i love the reflection in this one

She loves this one :)
i told her i felt like a line monks in brown cloths were about to walk out of the doors...
who knows..maybe they came out after we left....hahaha

see...I told you there was alot of laughing :)

more laughter....

i didn't think i was that funny.....haha..

i like this one alot -she's just having fun :)
i love when people like to do whatever comes to mind
like just throw their inhibitions to the wind hhahaha

watch out America's Next Top Model...tee hee

WOW - that's yellow.
these colors are flippity freakin awesome...LOVE it!!!


i like :)

I LoVE this one of her too :) i have tooooo many favorites

she has such a great smile :)

this one was good in color too..but i loved the B&W
it's so hard to CHOOSE!!

love the FLARE in this...get it? flair/flare....ok.. maybe? maybe not?

LOVe love love this one too!!!

I hope Heather had as much fun as I did with this photo session!
We went around town, back to my house and I think we got some GReaT photos :)
I love these!!!I love senior pictures.
It reminds me of how exciting graduating from High School is!!
And also how scary that time of life can be!!! Trying to decide what to do after high School -so much pressure!! meeting new friends - keeping the old ones - but some of the funnest times that are never forgotten!

my aunt Jane and cousin Heather actually just came over to look at some of her senior photos....well anyways at graduation parties we have a gift bag for the graduate to put their cards in that they get...we put a picture from when they were little on the outside of the bag (we have to have their name and picture on the bags cause there's usually more than 1 cousin graduating - yeah we have big family) and they brought over an old picture of me and Heather at our Grandma's 60th birthday party...I look goofy but Heather still looks cute ! and i told her "oh i'm totally putting this on my blog now..." tee hee -

i love how she's looking up at me - I'm pretty sure i was about to bust into one of my sweet 80's dance me... i'm sure i did....
and that used to be my favorite outfit!!! totally Stephanie Tanner style :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

David 6 mths

This is little DP3 - David Paul III - haha yes, the third :)
Sorry for the nickname Megan -- I couldn't resist :/
I am sooo lucky to take pictures of all these smiley babies -
and David here was especially a Happy Smiley Baby.
We tried getting pictures with David and the Ducks...
haha..that sounds like a kids book title
anyways the Ducks were not having it..
one that we called "crooked bill" (his name explains itself)
was the slowest one and when we caught him we still couldn't get anything;
David couldn't hold him without SQuEeZing him and Crooked Bill; well... he just wanted back in the water real bad. So we didn't get any duck pictures....just a memory of Crooked Bill :(
but on a happier note :) we did get plenty of Sweet ones of David!!!!!!

I feel like he's up to something here....

"One MiiiiilllLLiion Dollars...."
haha a little Austin Power's Dr. Evil..haha this cracks me up!
shaking with excitement :)
just looking at this you have to know what i'm talking about haha

What is this?!? he looks bored- haha - he's so over the photo shoot..

this is a favorite :)

Its so funny how all babies just do that...

I love his excitement - i wonder what toy Megan was waving around haha

Another Favorite :)

Well, that was fun :) Little David the 3rd is getting so big!
Pretty soon he'll be ALL over the place - if he isn't already!
Once again I'm realizing how lucky I am to have the opportunity to take all these pictures of such wonderful Babies! I can say i Enjoy what i do!!
Next to be posted: senior photos, family photos, and this weekend i will be shooting my good friends' Mike & Jenny's Wedding so look out for those soon!!!!!
OH and i got a NEW camera and I'm soooo ready to work it out!!!! YAY

Monday, April 14, 2008

Quinton, Eliana & Ezra

Sorry it's takin me forever to get new posts up :/
I need to stop apologizing and get to posting!!!
oh and regards to last post -I finally have my phone back now...

Well here are my very witty, non-camera shy cousins Quinton Eliana & Ezra.
The day that they came I was convincing myself that I was feeling better after being sick for 2 weeks - right after they left; after rescheduling my afternoon sessions with a massive headache, I crashed on the couch for about 3 hours and don't believe i was able to move the rest of the day.
But we made it through and they did pretty good for me...and i did ok.
We had the little ducklings again - which, by the way - Eliana was obsessed was so funny every time she got hold of one of the ducks she wanted to hold it like an actual little human baby.
I can't say Eliana was the only one with the duck obsession -
they all had to hold, touch,or SQuEEZe the ducks...
that sounded really bad.....
once ducks were harmed in the production of these photos :)

i love their little feet

everyone's looking :D

Quinton's a little rascal :)
this picture totally matches their personalities

This is one of my favorites - i just love feet. i know weird..but i do...
and his stare into the camera is cute

Happy with the duck....

holding her little baby :)

....angry that it got taken away..... we gave it back.... :)

Quinton going sock-less - boys will be boys :)
i like the genuine-ness of his smile :)
....and the ducks look like statues...

Little Ezra and his big eyes...and drool...haah

i like this :)

....and this.

too bad Eliana isn't in this :(
but how cute is that?!

i love he is looking right at me
grabbing his little toesies...haha
sorry for the baby talk - can't help it

i love love love this one :)

he is such a smiley baby ;)
Adam's thoughts: "yup, he looks like me."

and this sums up how the day went :)

I can't really complain you know....these kids like to be in front of the camera and i think they had fun and they did a really good job...i just wish i could have felt better for them...
but we will; i Hope be seeing more of Quinton, Eliana and Ezra over the summer :)
which i cannot wait for warmer weather!!!